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This exciting bouquet of red and white roses in a dazzling mirrored cube is guaranteed to make spirits brighter. Simple, stylish, affordable - better order one for yourself as well.
This exciting bouquet of red and white roses in a dazzling mirrored cube is guaranteed to make spirits brighter. Simple, stylish, affordable - better order one for yourself as well.
This exciting bouquet of red and white roses in a dazzling mirrored cube is guaranteed to make spirits brighter. Simple, stylish, affordable - better order one for yourself as well.
The delightful holiday bouquet features red roses and white roses accented with assorted greenery.
The delightful holiday bouquet features red roses and white roses accented with assorted greenery.
The delightful holiday bouquet features red roses and white roses accented with assorted greenery.
Orientation: All-Around
This sleek mirrored silver cube is a Flowers-in-a-Gift selection, a limited-edition keepsake that can be used for years. Available exclusively from Teleflora.