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"Send a Hug" Flowers & Gifts

Send A Hug Day is January 21st - but you don't have to wait until then to give someone a hug. Teleflora's "Send A Hug" keepsakes are a cute gift for any occasion. Florist delivered.


a Hug with these Cute Gifts! National Hug Day is January 21st

National Hug Day or National Hugging Day is an annual holiday occuring on January 21st. The purpose for the holiday is to encourage everyone to hug family and friends more often. In 2004, the Free Hugs Campaign was launched, which involves people giving hugs to random people on the street to lift their spirits at any time during the year. Whether you hug a family member or a stranger, the therapuetic benefits are the same. Hugs make you feel good inside! Celebrate every day by giving hugs to family, friends and loved ones. You'll love the warm fuzzy feeling you get.

Hugging can help build a strong immune system, decrease the risk of heart disease, and decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol in women. Children who are embraced by parents regularly grow faster and have greater self confidence in grown up life. If you can't be there in person to give a friend a big hug then why not send one of our Send A Hug™ gifts? Unlike a virtual hug, a keepsake gift is sure to please and provide years of hugs.