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Like an ocean sunset, this bold bouquet of radiant sunflowers and orange roses in a hand-blown art glass vase invigorates the soul!
This magnificent arrangement of golden sunflowers and orange roses, presented in a hand-blown art glass vase, brings the beauty of an ocean sunset to any occasion.
This magnificent arrangement of golden sunflowers and orange roses, presented in a hand-blown art glass vase, brings the beauty of an ocean sunset to any occasion.
Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf. Delivered in a Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf.
Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Light orange roses, white alstroemeria, and medium yellow sunflowers are arranged with grevillea and lemon leaf.
Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Orientation: All-Around
Available exclusively from Teleflora, this one-of-a-kind, elegant blue lapis, art glass vase gloriously shines with a polished gemstone finish! A true décor piece that will be enjoyed for years to come - this is the perfect gift for any occasion!